Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm not a heathen because I don't attend your church.

Two of my cousins, Jonathan and Sarah, are Baptist and my friend Matt and his wife are Mormon. While joking around in a lighthearted and social manner, I had mentioned that South Park had an episode where the Mormons were "right" and were the only people allowed into heaven. Both of my Baptist cousins rolled their eyes. They weren't trying to be rude - it was an invaluntary response. Their intollerance of other denominations baffles me because it seems to be in direct refutation with Christian doctorine; Am I right in that assumption?

To all of you who think that there exists a clear dichotomy between the "faithful" and the "heathens", I want you to assend to the idea that our world is not that simple. I know that you are influenced to roll your eyes at me, but I am not here to "test your faith". I want you to realize that faith and church attendance are completely different things. You can have one without the other.

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